Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My holiday so far

One word I can summarize my whole holiday..



Because all the things I planned before the holidays fall apart one by one...

Many expectations, many dreams, many hopes but non of them came a reality...

It's true that WE SHOULD NEVER EXPECT TOO MUCH out of somethings..

I may be exxagerating by saying that non of my plans came through for the holidays...

Despites these failure, there are still rays of


Among those things that I can be proud of during my holiday are:

1) The most memorable, meaningful, adventerous trip to INDONESIA...I really wanted to share my experiences but I'm so bad in expressing my feelings...IMAM UK & IRE asked me to document my experiences there, but I don't know where to start...

I really missed my new friends in Indonesia...although we just met for the past 4 days but the ukhuwwah that were built I will cherish forever...may Allah reunite us again in Jannah or in Turkey next year...I really looking foward to meet them again...

For the first time I felt really bad to leave a camp...before this, I can't wait to leave such camps...maybe due to this time I'm all alone and I totally depend on these new relationships and this made me SO SAD to say goodbye (now I know how the AF participants' feelings - their tears were not for the votes)....

Love you guys...

2) Keep in contact with all my friends until I was declared the busiest man in the house due to the number of calls and sms I got...

3) Plannning a trip to Pulau Perhentian...we're going this Sunday...hopefully we'll have a blast...

4) Get involved in IMAM Pre Departure Camp...although I tought the commitee are not united and things are really messy...anyway I managed to get involeve...bajet penting istilah lain...

5) M03A reunion...we'll see this Saturday...


1) I'm gaining more weight...BAD DIET and A LOT OF FAST FOOD is the key...

2) Family holiday down the drain....going together to my sister graduation day is not a holiday...

3) Did'nt do anything to sharpen my skills as a doctor e.g. Hospital attachment and Sunathon (wanted to go actually but hmmmm.....)

4) Read a book....

5) M03A reunion to place far2 away...

Thinking it all over again my holiday wasn't a total failure...there're still some success...

Nevertheless there are another a month and a half to's too early to decide it now and maybe the verdict can change...

Anyway..that's all for tonite...



My Good Friend There

Thanks For Being There For Me


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aku dah agak dah berat badan takkan turun...well kalau duduk rumah, and makan nasik 3 kali sehari, just say goodbye to diet and oh-so-healthy-lifestyle that u mimpi malam2...ahhahahaha i know im cruel.but yeah, its true kan?

well dude, u owe me your diary man! a lot of setori2 u kene cerita neh!!!! dah 3 4 bulan aku pendam kesabaran neh..kekkekekekek

am counting days to balek ni. be back on the 18th aug sampai sept 1st.not that long pon, but at least...kalau tak jumpa ko jugak...mmg aku tepon MAS opis tuka ticket dtg sini ok..toksah balek ireland lagik

hit me baybeh...hit me!!!

11:39 AM  
Blogger AHanifKhan said...

Naqib...Long time don't hear about you...

My diary, you know me better..I'll never tell me my story...I want to know yours and I'm sure you're willing to tell hehheheh...

You're the one who talks and I'm the one who's listening hehheeh...

18th August...can't wait to meet you...

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

12:39 PM  

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