Saturday, June 24, 2006

IMU Visit...

A lot to tell but don't have any mood yet to write a decent I understand what Lenot meant...just want to lazy around...another 4 more VCDs to go to finish Full House...If anyone have seen this telenovela, try to caunt how many time house cleaning, eating and testing clothes are being done in this if that's the only thing they can do to make a conversation and the story only revolve around these 3 main actiities..nevertheless the story is still intersting...

Yesterday after strolling around KLCC with Jay , we suddenly got a call from our ex classmate from KMB who is in IMU...he invited us to go there...reluctant at first, we still made our way to Sri Petaling STAR they said they want to pick us up...when he( Alimin -if anyone know him)came, I'm quite surprise cause he had changed a lot - into a better person than he used to be (if you know what I mean). We met our other classmates, Dayah and Sety and also other KMBians Dilin, Nije and even Che' Nash..we talked a bit (masih malu cause ade ramai org time tuh) and they brought us around the campus...their campus is quite big (bigger than RCSI I can say) but most of the places are still under construction so I can't get a better view on the whole college...

Then after solat, they brought us to a stall at Bandar Tun Razak and there where the action begins...we talked about A LOT of things and I got to know about A LOT of things (if you guys catch my drift here)...I'm so happy that night (besides I got to eat Nasi Paprik) but the night must come to an end cause they have to go back and study (exam around the corner...)

I really hope that our whole classmate can get together like that...hopefully everything goes as plan regarding our reunion...

That's All...malas nak tuleh lagi..



p/s Got juicy news from Badri and Azahar

Thursday, June 22, 2006 I miss U...

I'm so damn bored...nothing to do..I miss my wireless so I can't even able to surf my favourite blogs...this what happen if your only source of internet is in your brother's room and he's so 'BUSY' everyday playing online games and don't even bother to come out of the only chance to use the net is when he's watching WC which is now...the problem is I also want to see the match...arghhh geram...I really want to find a wireless router...but my dear brother said it will cost me at least RM 400...but if we convert in Euro (this should not be done in Ireland), it won't cost that much hehheh...Law Yatt you better have a wireless router...

Anyway sebab kebosanan melampau...I tried to call some of my friends...unfortunately, they also were not home...sorang tu mase nak call asyik kat masjid je (you know who you are)...I also tried to see AF replay but again got tentangan yang hebat from my family who claim they feel 'geli' to watch them esp my father who is 24 hours now at home because he's on sick leaves..have I mentioned that my father had injured his Archilles tendon...If you guys don't recall this tendon, this one of the most important tendon that connect the muscle at the back of thigh to the heel...It's also call the HERCULES TENDON because it's said that this is the weak part of Hercules that lead to his defeat by a women which I don't recall...

Anyway no Internet and no TV...I wandered around the camp on my sister's scooter but that also has a limit in curing my I went to my sisters' room..look through their stuff (teruk kan)...found a bunch of love novels (wekk) and I found this set of VCD...FULL HOUSE...asyik dengar je Nash memekak pasal cite ni..kate best la ini I tried to watch the first CD...It's NOT BAD and now I'm addicted to it...10 more VCDs to go...thank least I have something to do with my spare sister also recommend me to see MY LITTLE BRIDE..ok, let me finish FULL HOUSE first...

That's all I think...going to KLCC tomorrow..there's an IMAM meeting and Syafiq ask me to come...I wonder has KLCC changed...



p/s Finally I got to taste SATAY yesterday...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

At Last I'm Home

Finally I reached my deary home...yeahhh....but still I haven't taste the satay yet sob2...BUT we're definitely going excuses this time...
For the first time in the family (this maybe overstating), we have a full house..usually one of us will be missing...both of my sis had finished their studies (my older sister from UTM and my younger just finished he A Level) and my brother is still waiting for work...You guys might think what is the relationship between satay and full house...

The relationship is = TAK MUAT KERETA

Imagine, how to sumbat 6 people in a sedan...My father never want to buy a SUV because we usually don't need it...but this time we surely need to  adjust to the situation..thank god my cousin is living with us and we really need the help of his Waja...

Before telling about my flight from Dublin to Malaysia, I just want to congratulate  Diana, Farah and Nath for passing the worries for you guys anymore and enjoy the holiday...

Anyway, I really can't remember anything about the flight from Dublin to Frankfurt because I slept all the way (Imagine staying up the whole nite at the airport - playing Seagull Sandwich (thanks Diana for the 'GREAT' game) - no comment about this game.

Then we safely reached Frankfurt (although the Aerlingus landing felt like we're  crashing). One thing I regretted the most when we're in Frankfurt - we didn't get any chop from the security there on our passport - baru ingat nak berlagak kononnye dapat gi Frankfurt tengok World Cup - sigh. We just waited at the air terminal and for the first time I'm being body check. Not because I look like a terorist or anything but it is because, the MAS check in counter is near the USA airlines check in counter. SO because of that, there's a security infront of these check in counters and the security said to me that if we want to pass through (to go to MAS check in counter) - they have to check us. How insecure and paranoid the US are with themselves.

Anyway, the flight from Frankfurt to Malaysia is better than I expected (although i didn't get an emergency exit seat). HOWEVER, the food was HORRIBLE..tak sedap langsung. We got something weird for lunch, dinner and breakfast. The cabin crew was OK ( I still have some issues with them - maybe I'm in the minority here but I really don't think that they're helpful and friendly)...anyway, thanks to MAS, I reached my home safely and their landing was superb compared to the crashed landing by Aerlingus..

When we reached KLIA, my first mission was successful. I got my long dreamt Burger King (only suitable for youngsters -not for old people - Nath, Nash and especially DIANA will understand this).

Then reached home - happy2 kejap and then become totally dysfunctional until now - jet lag (entahlah).

That's All..missing you guys already esp my online friends...



Sunday, June 18, 2006

MH 5 Boeing 777 - 200 here I come

Wuhu...going back today...yeahhhhhh...SATAY HERE I COME (oh my family as well :))...

That's all



Warkah buat Azahar

Dah sampai ke belum Azahar ni kat Johor...

Anyway ingat nak wat tribute tuk ko sebab dah 8 bulan hari2 cakap, terhenti lak pagi semalam...rase kosong sebentar...

Takde idea la Azahar...banyak sangat kenangan manis bersame euwwwwwwwwwwwwww........lepas ni good bye to Badri lak....How's my holiday will be without my daily routine talking to you and Badri heheheh...banyak yang kite kongsi, banyak yang kite luah...what my life will turn out kalo takde korang disisi...aku harap persahabatan kite takdelah ketika senang je...aku nak kite gelak dan nangis bersame - selamanya - aku nak aku, ko n Badri boleh luahkan semue bende same ade pasal famili ke, personal ke n semue la....jangan la malu2 (if you know what I mean - kalo tak tanye aku nanti)...the same advice go to Badri...Hopefully kite leh wat reunion mane2 n no excuses this time....

This is from Badri's Blog (the same tribute to Azahar)...persahabatan ikhlas euwwwwww....

I was about to sleep when I suddenly thought about my life when I was in boarding school. I thought, my boarding school time was the best time I've ever had. There where I met my best friends, azahar and hanif. Not many people have the gut to say this. but I dont care what people would say, I just wanna say thanks for being my friends. Not to forget though, zamir, amri and jazmi, they were all great friends I've ever met. I dont know, I started to miss Azahar the day he left UK and hanif also will be leaving soon. The reason is, I have no more online friends to talk to. That is what I've been doing so far with them. We've been so far apart, but were very close in our heart. to azahar and hanif, this might be a 'geli' thing to you guys...but I do love you guys a lot....

Akhir kate mari kite qoute kate2 Manisha:

Ade ke patut mase mak die datang jamin die kate macam mane,
Anak awak tu jual ****** tepi jalan pun nak datang jamin ke,
Sial ***** tu
Menangis mak budak tu

Aku tak kesah sangat pasal undang2 ni...
Yang aku geram care die layan kite, macam binatang
Mase aku keluar tu aku cakap sendiri kat ***** tu..
**** awak tu, keluar, jumpe saye awak tu yang akan **** dengan saye
Macam tu sekali aku cakap

This post totally unrelated to kalo tak paham, sori la eh heheheh...

Akhir kate : Our life will be meaningless if we have no GOOD FRIENDS....and thank God I found you guys...

"Friends are like gold. Each one is rich and they all last a lifetime"

That's all



Saturday, June 17, 2006

The misery of Group E

Which group in Group E will qualify to the next round, either the Italian, Czechs, Ghana or the USA..

Now the points for each group is:
Italy = 4 ( a win againts Ghana and a draw with USA - I really can't believe it when they unable to beat the US)
Ghana = 3 ( loss to the Italian and win againts Czechs)
Czechs = 3 (win againts US and loss to Ghana)
USA = 1 (loss to Czechs but draw againts Italy)

What are the probabilities?

It seems that each team has the chance to qualify to the next round...the next game will be SO IMPORTANT to the Italian if they want to go to the next round (they only need a draw to go to the next round)...but for the Czechs, which is the next favourite, they have to work hard in the next game (either win or draw)..if they win then sayonara to Italy but again the fate of these two teams lies on the hand of the USA...if the USA win againts Ghana and the Italian draw againts Czechs, then both USA and Czechs will have the same points (how do they decide from here - I'm not sure)...things will be more complicated if USA draw againts Ghana...but if Ghana win (most probably), then the journey for USA is over and the match between Czechs and Italy will be the determinants between these two groups (Italy just need a draw - which I think they can)...

So, who will you think go to the next round...I think this is the most complex group and there's no clear cut who will proceed to the next round...

My prediction: ITALY AND GHANA (Farah will be frustrated)

That's all



Good Advices From Baz Luhrmann

Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be
it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by
scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable
than my own meandering
experience…I will dispense this advice now. Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not
understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded.
But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and
recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before
you and how fabulous you really looked….You’re not as fat as you
imagine. Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as
effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing
bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that
never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm
on some idle Tuesday. Do one thing everyday that scares you Sing
Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with

people who are reckless with yours. Floss
Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes

you’re behind…the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with
yourself. Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you
succeed in doing this, tell me how. Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements. Stretch Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your
life…the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they
wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year
olds I know still don’t. Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone. Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll have children,maybe
you won’t, maybe you’ll divorce at 40, maybe you’ll dance the funky
chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…what ever you do, don’t
congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either – your
choices are HALF CHANCE, so are everybody else’s. Enjoy your body,
use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people
think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever
own.. Dance…even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room. Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them. Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly. Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for
good. Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the
people most likely to stick with you in the future.
Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you

should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and
lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you
knew when you were young. Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live
in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. Travel. Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will
philander, you too will get old, and when you do you’ll fantasize
that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were
noble and children respected their elders. Respect your elders. Don’t expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund,
maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one
might run out. Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will
look 85. Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who
supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of
fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the
ugly parts and recycling it for more than
it’s worth. But trust me on the sunscreen…

Friday, June 16, 2006

Agama dalam sehari dua ini sungguh mengelirukan

I got this interesting article from I had edited some part of it, to read the full article, please click the link below;


Banyak kolej yang saya hadir, pelajar yang mahu kepada Islam asyik berbalah tentang baca Yasin tu syar’ie atau tidak, tetapi mereka ‘syok sendiri’. Mereka terlupa bahawa pelajar yang Khamis malam Jumaatnya penuh dengan clubbing adalah lebih ramai dari yang mempertahankan Yasin Khamis malam Jumaat tersebut.

Apabila timbul di internet, atau majalah, isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan MANHAJ, maka kita selalu menemui ulasan bahawa isu ini semakin hangat dibicarakan di kampus! Walhal yang membincangkannya hanya 20% sahaja, sedangkan yang 80% langsung tidak ambil tahu dan lebih berminat untuk bertelanjang. Maksud saya, menelanjangkan diri dari agama, kerana agama amat mengelirukan dalam sehari dua ini.

Kita bincang secara terbuka isu-isu khusus yang hanya layak disertai oleh mereka yang sudah ada asas usrah, kuliah, dan tamrin. Kita sangkakan isu itu besar dan bertaraf nasional. Antaranya adalah isu UMMAH CENTRIC dan JAMAAH CENTRIC. Sedangkan 80% pembaca, pemerhati, dan mereka yang berada di sekitar kampus, tidak tahu hujung dan pangkal perbincangan.

Di manakah relevannya masyarakat pelajar seperti ini diajak kepada perbincangan tentang mazhab, salaf dan khalaf, ketika mana mereka sendiri tidak pasti sejauh manakah mereka perlukan Tuhan dalam hidup ini?

Sukar untuk saya mengungkaikan soalan tersebut, tetapi saya cuba menyuluhnya dari sudut yang biasa saya gunakan iaitu isu SIKAP.

Ya, guru-guru sama ada yang bermanhaj salaf atau khalaf ramai yang ghairah mengajar fakta tetapi lupa mengajar SIKAP. Akhirnya pendirian salaf dan khalaf tercemar oleh SIKAP yang menjelekkan sama ada oleh guru mahu pun anak muridnya.

Ramai yang bermati-matian mempertahankan hukum Isbal, memakai pakaian di atas buku lali dengan penuh kekasaran dan kesombongan. Mereka terlupa yang kesombongan mereka itu sama seperti golongan bangsawan Arab yang melabuhkan pakaian untuk menonjolkan kekasaran dan kesombongan yang sama. Manhaj bertukar, sikap masih sama.

Jangan lupa, 80% remaja kita mengambil keputusan untuk bertelanjang. Mereka menelanjangkan diri dari agama, kerana agama dalam sehari dua ini sungguh mengelirukan.

The above script just a small part of the article. I recommended all of you to read the whole article. It's quite interesting because I think the issue that was brought up really related with my life as a student in KISAS. As an introduction, KISAS is a renowned boarding school where there's a lot of Ulama' in Malaysia studied there. That's is a long time ago where the students that entered the school have a very strong basic knowledge about Islam hence the Islamic approach in KISAS totally able to met their objectives.

However, nowadays the student that entered KISAS, not all of them have a strong basic in Islam and the best example is Me. My qualification to entered KISAS is just an extra subject that is Arabic Language but they treat us as if we have a degree in Syariah. They talk about a lot of thing such as Khalifah, endless debate about Mazhab, Wahabi, Jemaah and Ummah. But they forget that some of us really lack of basic maybe all those things may not stick in our head if the basics were not polished. And that what happened to me and some of my friends and when we finished our studies from KISAS and all those knowledge seems to slip out from my mind and I feel that I'm no different from others (although I got A LOT of pressure only because I'm from KISAS) and I'm afraid that I may not be able to be a good example to others that think we are the one who supposed to be the 'SAINT' only because we're from a religious school.

The message that I want to put across via this article is the approach to dakwah is not by reinforcing all those big matters about Islam but first to pay attention on all those small things that really determine whether we turn up to be GOOD MUSLIM.

Jangan lupa, 80% remaja kita mengambil keputusan untuk bertelanjang. Mereka menelanjangkan diri dari agama, kerana agama dalam sehari dua ini sungguh mengelirukan.

That's all, I really hope you guys will read the article. It's worth your time.


Thursday, June 15, 2006

3 Days To Go

In 3 days time i will be in my cosy little room doing nothing and will be served as king...can't wait...but before that I have to endure 20 hours of suffering travelling time (thinking about it give me the shivers)..i miss my mom more than ever...why? maybe because of human nature, the nearer your're with your destination, the more impatient you'll be...enough said..

What I want to do during the holiday?

Short Term Plan
1) Eat Burger King at KLIA
2) Eat satay (lots and lots of them) on my way back to my home; there's a Haji Sahmuri branch (the famous Satay Kajang which now had gone international) at Sg Buloh Jejantas Restorant
3) Eat PIZZA HUT and McD
4) Eat my mom's cooking (this is the least i'm waiting for because my family are now on diet - Ikan bakar n kukus is on the menu..wahhhh...)

Medium Term Plan
1) Going to Semarang, Indonesia from 10th July to 16th July for IMAM Summer Camp ( my birthday on 16th if you guys forgoten)
2) Going for a holiday with M03Aian (maybe end of July - In Terengganu)
3) Reunion with my Kisas friends (can't wait for this: Azahar, Zamir and Amri - maybe we have to get together during the batch reunion -hate that *sigh*- anyway we'll try our best to be Kera Sumbang hehehe)
4) Get together in Ipoh maybe - Pulau Pangkor with Jay, Elias, Nash, Qama and Adek
5) Jumpe Cikgu? - don't have plan for that yet
6) TRY to do some electives - maybe hospital attachment (again I want to stress the word TRY -anyone interested to join?maybe we could plan it together)
7) Get involve in IMAM or PPIMI activity during the holidays - maybe the preorientation program.
8) Finally, a decent family holiday (have'nt done that for a long time - my mom had promise me this)

Long Term Plan
1) Try to loss some weight (now not only my brother in the gym, my sister as well - there's a lot of pressure in my house to be thin - thanks to my dad who always perasan he's the only one that's within the normal BMI range in the family -sigh)
2) Not to gain anymore weight (this's more important than the first one)

I think I got my 3 months properly laid out...hopefully everything works as plan...InsyaAllah...

That's all



Tuesday, June 13, 2006


At last, i bought something for my's really troublesome to think what to buy for them...Finally, to be fair i bought everyone a bottle of perfume...fair right...but I hope they will no be fighting over on which fragrance...nevertheless that will not be my problem anymore...

Came back early from CC just now...saw The Omen...awesome...I anticipated every part of the movie...simply exciting...the boy, Damien can get an Oscar for his acting...

Anyway, back to World seems that a lot of people disapproved my review on WC...message for them SUDAH LA KO hehhehe...

South Korea won againts Togo ( Asian team)

France draw againts Switzerland...I expected more from France than that..hopefully they would not get to the next round like last world cup heheheh (Diana will be angry for sure)...I really want world cup to be dominated by less popular group...are'nt you guys fed up when the champion is the same country over and over again...what if the champion this year be TOGO (no one will expect that and I'm sure it gonna be a fascinating world cup he3)

The last game Brazil won againts Carotia with only ONE goal...full with world class players and they only manage with ONE goal...moreover, Carotia dominated the game not them...again I really hope (finger cross) they would not reach semi finals..why? I just don't like them...

Tonight will be the season finale of Desperate Housewives...yeahhhhh...can't wait...



p/s Just finish watching Desperate Housewives...I can't believe that's the ending for season 2...I want more than just that...but that will leave us for an exciting Season 3..can't wait (wahhh only next autumn)...they're simply superb but MAD TV really spoofed them for sure...SEE BELOW...

Monday, June 12, 2006

Frustrated and Furious

Geramnye aku tengok bola tadi...JEPUN hampir menang.......pastu kalah 3 - 1 ngan AUSTRALIA.....wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...GERAMMMNYYEE...daha la tengah bosan pastu geram pulak tu....teremosi lak aku kat sini...tapi mmg aku tengah geram ni...

Baru je harap at least ade group Asia yang boleh gi last 16...sekarang ni berharap kat South Korea ataupun Arab Saudi la...Jepun mmg main bagus giler ar tadi...tadi dapat lihat morale and corak permainan diorang jatuh mendadak bile Australia dapat first goal diorang...sigh...



Sunday, June 11, 2006

Boredom = Laziness

We can't never predict how much boredom can affect the well being of our life...woke up today at 1 o'clock...don't even bother to take a bath (very unlikely about me - ask Nash if you guys don't believe me) and starts to worship the net...nothing interesting but just for the sake of filling my endless free time (1 more looooong week before going back)...I even waited for my micturation reflex could no longer being overcome by the descending pathway before running to the toilet...

Found out that Karen AF4 was voted out during the last predictable AF this season...the person how's at the bottom last concert will be voted out and they will be most likely girls..untill when that the reality tv in Malaysia will realize that they will make more money if all the contestants are guys...skrew up with girls...just bring 10 guys with face like Beckham (a LITTLE talent is compulsory) and at the end of the season the company will be listed in the first board of KLSE...thanks to all the Malaysian girls (who even think Amirul AF4 charming..wekkk...)


When will Malaysian vote for people talents rather than their face...undoubtly likeliness is important but for me there are certain extent for likeliness overcoming talent...maybe most people will not agree with me..they might be right..because although someone has a beutiful voice like Siti but if their face like 'tongkang pecah', even me would'nt buy the album...anyway that's how the world of entertaintment revolves and nothing we can do about it...sigh..

Anyway hoping to go to the CC tomorrow to buy 'things' for my family...nothing much (in a state of deficit spending)...want to try to look for something that LOOK expensive but actually cheap...hopefully...



Saturday, June 10, 2006

A Nice Saturday Outing..

Bangun2 je pagi ni terus dapat mesej dari Diana, suroh tengok status YM die...bile bukak takde ape2 lak...pastu aku pun menjeguhkan la diri kat blog die...mak ai...terus terduduk dengan statment balas die...memang hebat makcik sorang ni mengcounter attack serangan seseorang...takpe Diana, kali ni ko menang..tunggu la lain kali aku akan pasti MENANG wahahaha (gelak syaitan jap)...

Anyway ramai yang mempertikaikan aku nye blog description tu...sering mendapat serangan2 peribadi (bajet glamer lak orang nak buat serangan peribadi sebenarnye baru 3 orang je komen)...komen aku pasal description itu ialah " NO KOMEN, BIARLAH RAHSIA"...kalo kawan2 aku kat luar tu JUJUR MEMAHAMI,TIADAKU MENJAUHI heheh...anyway description tu aku ambik template tuk July babies...tapi kalo korang betul2 kenal aku korang mesti realize sikap2 aku mmg ade kat sane (cehhh nak mencabar persahabatan ikhlas...)

Lupe kan pasal tu...tujuan aku tulis blog ni nak tulis pasal outing aku ke CC tengok wayang hari ni...kitorang tengok 3 movie hari ni:

First Movie: Friends For Money (lakonan my favourite Jeniffer Aniston)
Komen: Cite ni pade aku lain dari mane2 movie commercial lakonan Jeniffer Aniston..cite ni lain dari yang lain di mana bagi aku memberi kesan yang mendalam especially kepada masyarakat barat...cite ni mengisahkan sekumpulan kawan2 yang in their middle age yang bagi aku tengah struggel dalam mencapai kenikmatan (sattisfaction) hidup mereka dan takut menghadapi usia tue...mereka seakan2 benci akan lumrah kehidupan sehingga mengganggap segala2 yang berlaku dalam dunia ni penuh dengan ketidakadilan and mereka adalah mangsanye...bile aku tengok cite ni aku dapat lihat bagaimana kehidupan sesorang yang hidup tanpa disuluhi panduan agama...mereka seakan2 sesat tanpa tujuan hidup dan terkapai2 mencari sinar cahaya untuk mengisi kegelapan dan kekosongan jiwa mereka...aku tengok sekarang banyak cite Hollywood yang konsep die macam ni...ade satu movie dulu aku tengok macam ni gak konflik yang mereka alami, tapi tak ingat lak cite ape.
Bintang: 3.5 (ingat nak bagi 4 bintang tapi tak suke sangat ending die sbb bagi aku banyak lagi isu yang belum dijelaskan- meraka berharap penonton membuat spekulasi sendiri)

Second Movie: Poseidon
Komen: Cite ni menjangkau ekspektasi aku. Aku ingat cite ni tak best tapi not bad sebenarnye. Bile aku tengok trailer ni aku pelik tul, macam mane la kapal secanggih dengan berbekalkan radar n GPRS tu tak boleh detect satu wave yang besar akan menuju ke arah kapal mereka..bile aku tengok cite tu rupenye wave tu adalah ROGUE WAVE atau FREAK WAVE (name lain MONSTER WAVE)...berbekal kan sumber yang boleh dipercayai iaitu, Wikipedia, wave ni adalah amat rare (pada mase dulu wave ni dianggap lagendary) dan boleh berlaku secara tiba2 dan merupakan antara sebab utama kapal2 tenggelam tanpa sebab diketahui. Ombak ni boleh mencapai ketinggian 15 m dan mungkin tidak mampu dikesan oleh radar n bile dapat dikesan, ombak tu merupakan benda terakhir mereka lihat..
Bintang: 3 (tipikal cite menyelamatkan diri dan bergantung harap kesan efek)

Third Movie: RV (Runaway Vacation)
Komen: Biase je la...kelakar mmg kelakar..Nash gelak macam ape dalam wayang tuh...malu lak aku dengar..takde bende nak komen cume cite ni menyingkap perasaan seorang bapa yang dahagakan kasih sayang anak mereka yang pernah dikecap sewaktu anak2 mereka masih kecil...

Sepatutnye lepas cite RV ni nak tengok cite The Omen ( sebenarnye tujuan utama hari ni nak tengok cite ni), tapi tak sempat lak...cite tu kul 715 tapi mase kitorang beli tiket tu dah kul 718 n kitorang dapat seat depan...dengan banggenye berbekalkan card unlimited kitorang "burn" je tiket tu hehhe...

Tu je la...pastu balik ingat nak tengok boal...tapi takde mood lak...kesian Paraguay, goal sendiri...buat malu je England...menang pun sebab goal sendiri...tadi gi CC ramai tul orang pakai jersey England...




p/s Badri ade blog uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.........

Friday, June 09, 2006

Good Bye Jay....

Rase macam tak sedap hati je sepanjang hari ni...Jay akan balik hari ni selepas menempel selame 1 minggu kat sini..sonok die...anyway bukak saje Jay yang berase nervous...aku pun same...tak tau kenape..

Cume aku ade beberape teori kenape aku rase nervous ni:

1) Pemergian Jay ni menandakan mase aku akan sampai gak satu hari nanti (bukan mati ha- balik M'sia la). Walaupun aku patut rase excited tapi aku rase macam tak nak balik lak...sebenarnye aku suke perasaan rindu kat parents tu...bile kite rindu n jauh dari parents kite, kite akan kurang buat salah kat mak bapak kite...kalo aku sampai umah, 2 3 hari je la sebelum aku tunjuk belang aku balik kat umah...dengan pemalasnye, suke jerit2 high pitchnye n kaki tengok AF (bapak aku memang anti aku tengok hiburan2 ni especially kalo ade Siti - die purposely akan suruh tukar bende lain, apatah lagi sekarang ni musim World Cup - tak berpeluang la aku nak menghabiskan mase kat channel @15)...walaupun aku rase my parents akan lebihkan aku berbanding orang lain tapi sampai bile..mase kat KMB dulu aku saje je kekadang tak balik sebab bak kate aku sebelum ni AKU SUKE PERASAAN RINDU...Pelikkan, tapi itulah aku...aku suke bersendirian n ingat cite2 lame n gelak sosorang...Entahlah...korang semue excited ke nak balik?

2) Idiopathic (maksudnye sebab tak diketahui)

Hantar Jay tadi sampai bus stand..meriah tul CC malam ni..macam ade pesta plak...lelaki pompuan bersuka ria n mabuk tanpa batasan...sampai orang jatuh pengsan tengah2 jalan (teruk tul influence arak ni)...BTW Jay dengan tak gunenye telah meninggalkan 2 barang die kat umah aku (sleeping bag, penimbang berat n bantal)...dah la aku ade masalah storage ni lagi nak sumbat barang kat umah aku..aku telah mengambil langkah drastic tadi dengan mempromote barang2 aku (meje, lampu, n sleeping beg Jay) dekat board Sell, Lost and Found kat laman web RCSI dengan harga yang amat murah..hopefully people will buy...

Tadi tengok world cup...1st match Germany and Costa Rica (menang 4 - 2)...Selamat Germany menang kalo tak jatuh morale diorang selaku tuan umah...tapi diorang tak turunkan ketua pasukan Micheal Ballack (meroyan Azahar -peminat setia la katakan)...

Anyway looking foward for tomorrow match between England and Paraguay (bajet kaki bola - aku suke tengok World Cup je sebab suke tengok kalo negara2 bertanding -ala2 Olympic la)

Tu je la tuk hari ni...



EXAM is Over and 1 more week to go home...

My exam is finally over yesterday and for the first time for the past few weeks I slept without worrying I overslept and no more snoozing my hand phone 10 times before I woke up....

How was the exam?
I think I did OK although the exam is not like what I expected..MM was the killer paper (I think the seniors will change their opinion on MM when they looked at our questions) more PAST YEARS questions...a big change compared to the first semester...maybe the new module had 'forced' RC to apply new format in the questioning practical OSBE and Anatomy also went smoothly...I got Dr. Farhad in both of the ocassion and he really help a lot...

So, after my practical exam yesterday, I went to UGC to watch "The Wild"..I reached there about 1130 and the movie only started at in order to kill the time, I bought X Men ticket at 1130, watch it half way n came out at 1230 to buy the next ticket...hhaha..korang mesti dengki kan...tu la kelebihan unlimited card...That's how I celebrate the END OF FIRST YEAR...watching movie alone and try to stuff myself with chocolates I bought at Lidl...sound pathetic right...anyway that's the first time in Dublin I watched a movie (The Wild) with only 5 people in the cinema...I sat at the back, there's a couple in front of me (sonok diorang buat "drama" depan aku), and 2 guys at the front row (status dimusykili..)..anyway The Wild agak bosan and totally did'nt met my expectation...

After that, I went back n tengok Nash tengah studi...selepas puas gelakkan kat die sebab kene studi..aku pun tido...

One week from now, I'm going back on 19th June...

There're some worries about going back...

The first one and I think the biggest problem is...


Korang mesti rase ape masalahnye aku balik ngan diorang? Ye la Diana n Nash kan Ratu n Raja Huma...mane mampu kuase mahmudah aku nak mengatasi kepanasan yang bakal diorang bawak kedalam flight tu dengan HIKMAT HUMA MENCECAH LANGIT...tak pasal2 equation ni kuar nanti...

Diana (Ratu Huma) + Nash (Raja Huma) - Hanif ( Lelaki bersifat Mahmudah) = 4815162342 = LOST

Tak pasal2 kapal terbang tu terhempas kat mane2 pulau tah...terpakse la aku jadi watak Dr. Jack tuh...

Memberi mase tuk respond...

Sudahlah korang aku tau korang mesti kate aku jadi Hugo Hurley tu kan...teruk tau..menangis mak die...takpe at least die kaya raye...

Gurau je...hopefully kitorang sampai selamat kat KLIA...

My second worry is, ape ha nak beli untuk Famili especially for my Mom and Adik..

For my father ingat nak belikan wallet, my brother ingat nak belikan jersey
Kakak aku pulak sebok suruh belikan buku2 cinte yang kononnye takde kat M'sia...the first time aku belikan die buku die surauk aku belikan buku Lord Of Seduction...malu gile aku nak bayarkan...korang dak2 pompuan ni mmg suke ke bace buku2 macam ni ha...pelik tul aku...

Sekarang aku tak tau ape aku nak belikan untuk my mom n sister...

Kalo korang la, ape korang nak abang n anak korang belikan bile balik dari overseas..(sile beri pendapat..kepade wanita2 di luar sane...bajet sultan muzaffar mintak bagi pendapat)...serius ni sile bagi pendapat..aku mmg blur gile sekarang...

Okla, tu je nak cite...



Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost

The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


Welcome to my humble blog (cehhh bajet gile)…anyway this is my second attempt to make a blog (the third time if you considered my friendster blog which I never even started to choose a template for it)…kenape nak ade blog ni…yela kan teringin gak bile tengok my friends ade blog : Azahar, Nash, Jay, Diana, Fitri, Lenot n banyak lagi la (ingat nak namekan korang UNITED Bloggers, macam si Sultan Muzaffar tu wat…boleh la kite jadi Kudsia Kahar blog masing2…)

Tujuan my first entry ni nak explain the concept behind the name of the blog…THE ROAD NOT TAKEN (sudahlah Azahar aku tau respond ko nye)...I’m not a person who enjoy reading poem n would not be (bukan macam si Nash tu..Oscar Wilde Malaysia), but this poem really struck me every time I read it…we always considered the life choice we made…whether it’s a right or not or whether there is another choice that will bring a better outcome…but for me every choice we made in our life although we think that it’s bad for us, actually that the choice that GOD instil for us…AND it depends on us to think of or whether it’s INTERESTING, HUMOROUS, GOOD, BAD (I’m running out of adjectives here…walaupun baru 4 je simple adjectives English aku gune)…Pokok pangkalnye we must be grateful with everything that happened in our life n life will be meaningless if we have no one to share it with…

Ape kene mengena ape yang aku cakap ni ngan blog aku….

Rational nye…

Blog ni adalah madah (BM High Level) untuk aku menceritakan setiap decision that I took in my life n the evaluations of each of it…OR aku akan citekan pasal cite orang lain kalo la nothing interesting happening in my life (ni mesti Diana suke bab HUMA la katakan…) n my friends could guide me through my journey of life to become a better person in life…

Tu je…aku bukan writer pun so aku tak pandai nak wat ayat2…so my blog will be TOTALLY rojak n hopefully that everyone will have a say on it…

Tu je la untuk first entry aku ni…hopefully akan istiqomah meng’hupdate’ (bak kate Azahar…lari…)

